Residential Carpet

Carpet enhances the look of your home or office by showing off your style. Carpet adds warmth and softness to your space. Residentially-finding the right carpet for your lifestyle is very important. Nylon and wool have still proven to be the best wearing fibers in the carpet industry and offer many different looks. Koeber’s has a wide selection of nylon and some wool as well. There is a wide range of choices in most price ranges to make your selection. Buy the best quality of carpet you can afford for the heavy traffic areas of your home. A medium grade will provide fine service in rooms with less traffic. The cost of the carpet is based on many factors: texture, fiber content, design, and amount. The total job price will include carpet, quality cushion, and professional installation. A high quality, professional installation can extend the life of your investment. Check out our simple guide to carpet textures…

At Koeber's we employ our installers to assure a smooth product selection and installation process. Meet our crew!


You can order any of our carpets to be made into area rugs. Here's How! Choose your carpet and our Rug Workroom will take care of the rest! We always stock grab and go area rugs in a variety of colors and styles these standard sizes: 2 x 3, 4 x 6, 5 x 7. Grab and go rugs start at just $15!  Visit the showroom to see what's in stock.


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